[The division of One to two is a divine principle denoting how Life emerged out of Blackness. Thus, the amalgam of two to form One will always bring out of it new creations - and that is the key to all relations]

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[Free Africa from the chains of her past so her children may innovate and bear a prosperous future]

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["You know the usual, death comes in threes" - Nasir Olu Dara Jones. What Nas forgot to mention is that Wealth also comes in threes]

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[What is life other than the imagination of an infinite source (Blackness) projecting its own infinity onto a canvas (Space / Infinite Blackness of Space) of itself or its own creation? If that’s the case, what of social media? What of our addiction of our mobile devices & screens? Is that not our collective imagination projecting its own infinite material onto a canvas (Black screen devices) of its own creation?]

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[Wisdom from elders is wasted when the young do not pursue to learn from it]

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[Could the Universe exist if the dual force that brought its creation focused on extermination rather than equanimity?]

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[Heal mntase. That’s it; that is all - just heal. You deserve a life of bliss]

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[Health is a birth right to the wise. Nature gifts us with immortality, and gifts us choice to assess whether we’re worthy of that immortality. Wisdom is continuously choosing what is good for you; choosing what is good for you ensures your immortality. To choose health – physical, mental and spiritual, is choosing immortality!]

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[Culture's meet to create new prospects in wisdom and understanding]

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[It is the grandchild that suffers the grandparent’s amnesia]

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[To venture into eternity is to see all things and nothing all at once, to feel pain and pleasure all at once, to be and not to be all at once. Close your eyes, stare into infinity and notice its one identifiable quality that our minds can comprehend: Blackness]

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[To venture into eternity is to see all things and nothing all at once, to feel pain and pleasure all at once, to be and not to be all at once. Close your eyes, stare into infinity and notice its one identifiable quality that our minds can comprehend: Blackness]

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