19 Sep

Baba’tunde – “The Father Returns”; so goes the Yoruba saying. The concept of “Reincarnation” is widely recognized through the Eastern Spiritual philosophies, and largely ignored in African spirituality despite Ancestry being the fulcrum for African cultural and spiritual practices. Today on Other Side with Sihle Sibeko”, we use African Spiritual Sciences (“AS”) principles to shed light on African Reincarnation concepts and how they relate to wealth & abundance creation.


African spiritual systems are incredibly inter-laced despite the large distances between communities. The inter-relatedness of Culture is deeply rooted in the understanding that “We are One, our cultures are Multiversal and the difference lays only in how the cultures are Expressed”. Throughout Africa, multiple cultures consider “Ancestors” as ascended divinities of a venerable stature - this is very important because it provides context for reincarnation in AS.

Reincarnation is consequently a familial engagement. Juxtaposed to Eastern philosophies whereby one may Reincarnate into their natural environment, plants or animals (Buddhism) or Reincarnate into any new person with no relation to them whatsoever (Tibetan philosophy), African Reincarnation is fixed and stipulates that One may ONLY reincarnate into their family (direct or extended) because of two simple and primary reasons: 1) Each “family” has an independent genetic resonance encoded in descendants of their clan; 2) The Ancestors of a clan are responsible to bringing forth new life into their family, and are responsible for guiding or appointing Ancestral guides to the new Life before they arrive on Earth. One cannot reincarnate anywhere else because a matched genetic resonance must be present. Furthermore, every new-born is a new soul – an Ancestor Reincarnates with a new-born as guide to the new sovereign life. The new-born, by inheriting the genetic resonance (body, attitudes, gifts, traumas and successes) of a clan, may take on lifestyles habits, good or bad, of their Ancestor’s. 

It is the duty of the appointed Ancestral guide to mentor the new-born throughout their life & purpose, while the new Soul acknowledges their Ancestors by assisting them to heal their Earthly traumas & fears, opening the door for the appointed Ancestor(s) to ascend.


The human body creates 11 billion bits of information EVERY SECOND. The human mind, with its 200 billion neurons & over 110 billion neural networks, processes all 11 billion bits of bodily information every second (mostly unconsciously) whilst absorbing an additional of 74 gigabytes worth of information every day. To put it lightly, a human is one of the most intelligent life-forms to exist, beyond even the most intelligible quantum computer or artificial intelligence. African cultures have long known and understood that a Human is an elemental super-computer, hence why even African history is oral in nature – because the information transferred is absorbed genetically and stored in the body of the receiver, always alive and ready for retrieval at a moment’s notice should the receiver be conscious of their ability to recall conscious and unconscious memory. Imagine having so much information embodied within you genetically – where does it all go? To the next generation of course. The 42 Laws of Maat for instance provide a code of conduct of how one must live in order to have a good life. From Nubia all the way modern times, African cultures have ascribed to the 42 Laws in their own culturally contextualized ways, and why so? One the reasons for the ascription is our Ancestors knew that by living a good life physically, mentally and spiritually, the progeny inherit all the physical, spiritual and mental goodness (aka genetic information) of their predecessors.

It’s easy to pass down material wealth, but did you embody a mentality of wealth and spirit of abundance? Easy to have a great marriage, but did you embody love for all things & love for self as the centre of your being? Ate well and worked out? Great, but did you prioritize mental wealth and maintain a pure soul as light as a feather? Physical inheritance is great, but in AS, the inheritance chiseled into a clan’s genetic resonance is the true treasure that transcends generational curses into generational blessings. AS is not just concerned with physical reality – AS concerns itself with multidimensional completion (physical, mental and spiritual). AS principles are not musings on spirituality and existence – AS principles are a collection of living tenets governing Life’s (and our) multidimensional existence across a Multiversal expanse.


70% of wealthy families lose their wealth by the 2nd generation and 90% of wealthy families lose their wealth in by the 3rd generation. According to AS principles of the Nguni, Sotho and Vhavenda cultures in Southern Africa, Reincarnation takes place over three (3) generations, eg: A new-born child will carry with them, as one of his appointed Ancestors, the guardianship of their great-grandfather(s) or great-grandmother(s), or other clan member of that generation. It takes three generations to return as an Ancestral guide, and three generations to lose nearly all your wealth - why? Because if one creates material wealth without integrating the mental and spiritual faculties of wealth creation, then the progeny will inherit only one third of wealth’s multidimensional faculties. In effect, they will have the physical wealth without the mental and spiritual faculties necessary to maintain and grow the wealth beyond whatever was laid by the originator. But, what does this say of the originator of the clan’s wealth? It says they created wealth with a primary focus on its physical merits, while foregoing its mental and spiritual merits. Therefore one must ask: What was their intention while creating material abundance? Did they create it out of desperation? Did they create their wealth to hide their insecurities? Did they have a scarcity mentality and hoarded every penny without ever actually enjoying their material abundance? All of this is indicates that the originator of wealth may have created their riches out of sheer willpower for its material manifestation, but did not embody a resonance of wealth. Everything that exists carries a resonance – even wealth. The originator may have provided the material manifestation of wealth, whilst denying their clan the spiritual and mental faculties necessary to integrate a consciousness of wealth into his clan’s greater genetic resonance.

This is significant because where the Originator ended before their Earthly departure is where the great-grandchild will begin their Earthly journey. If “you”, the Originator turned Ancestor, originated your wealth with say, a scarcity mindset three generations ago, then when you return as an appointed guardian Ancestor of your great-grandchild three generations later– both you AND your great-grandchild will begin your journey together from a base of scarcity. This is why you will find generational wealth is squandered after three generations – because the originator did not encompass the spiritual and mental faculties of wealth, only the physical. While the first two are in-exhaustive, the third one is exhaustive and will continue being exhausted until someone in the clan can integrate a complete resonance of wealth into their clan’s genetic resonance, thereby insuring true generational wealth is secured and can be extended.

All the wealth one builds today, its physical, mental and spiritual motives + merits, will be experienced once more three generation down the line when they return as a guardian to their progeny. Develop the physical, spiritual and mental faculties for wealth in your lifetime, encode this complete wealth resonance into the greater genetic resonance of your clan, and you will return three generations later as a guardian Ancestor experiencing their progeny increasing the wealth, abundance and supplication laid before them.


This week's affirmation: I embody a resonance of wealth, abundance and blessings as a genetic treasure to be enjoyed by myself, my family & our future generations!

This week's vibe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGFti2ZpLc  /  https://open.spotify.com/track/3sVBjU8YO4pIS15hqJ7pVt  / https://music.apple.com/za/album/sinivile/1538596458?i=1538596473 - Sinivile by Sisonke Xonti

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