[It is the grandchild that suffers the grandparent’s amnesia]
Read More[It is the grandchild that suffers the grandparent’s amnesia]
Read More[To venture into eternity is to see all things and nothing all at once, to feel pain and pleasure all at once, to be and not to be all at once. Close your eyes, stare into infinity and notice its one identifiable quality that our minds can comprehend: Blackness]
Read More[To venture into eternity is to see all things and nothing all at once, to feel pain and pleasure all at once, to be and not to be all at once. Close your eyes, stare into infinity and notice its one identifiable quality that our minds can comprehend: Blackness]
Read More[What is it about writing that conjures the soul to be? It is its ability to chart a path toward destiny!]
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