18 Sep

In our last post, we discussed the binary system framework in AS. This time, we going into science.

In 1991, a revelation was presented by Dr Gabirel Oyibo to the global mathematics fraternity. The revelation, in the form of “God’s Almighty’s Grand Unifying Theorem” aka “GAGUT” was the first time it has ever been infallibly and conclusively proven that there indeed does exist a unified field of existence, which in AS’ cases is denoted at the resonance of Blackness as Zero. GAGUT, which equates to Gij,j = 0, is a universally accepted and infallible mathematical expression that all emerges from the Spirit of Blackness. One of the principles of GAGUT is that the Universe is neither expanding nor contracting – the Universe is actually still and has been that way since its emergence. The incredible thing is, AS already provided the framework for this principle. In AS, the wisdom of our Ancestors tell us that Universe is born in its entirety and will neither expand nor contract after its initial cooling period. How could the Ancestors know of the Universes entirety millennia before mathematical proof of the claim was provided? How could our Ancestors grasp such a complex scientific phenomenon which still eludes scientists today? They knew because in AS, true science is only validated through direct experience. All Life is an experiment for Blackness to experience its own infinity and a Universe is an experiential playground fashioned by the collective mind power. As Dr.Oyibo said, “God only deals in theorems, not theories.”

Modern scientific method attempts to construct understanding of reality through observational exercises with the rationale being intellectualizing experiences can give us true insights to how & what things REALLY are. Issues arise in verification of facts and experimentation. Verification can only asserted through a brass of colleagues agreeing on the hypothesis supposed, however there is no conclusive way to TRULY verify a hypothesis because it is limited to the intellectualization of the body. For this reason, hypothesis evolve in to “theories” but rarely become theorems. There will also be information beyond our grasp because our consciousness is limited to the height of our imaginations. Any dogmas or personal limitations interfere with the process… Leading to the second issue – experimentation. Whilst an experiment can be conducted for pure objectivity, the consciousness of the experimenter will seep into the outcomes of the experiment because the experimenter’s will (or consciousness or spirit) will mould the outcomes. Schrodinger’s Cat is a theory postulating that on a quantum level, atoms warp themselves to the perspective of the observer – if you want to see atoms split, they will split; if you want to see atoms ‘jump’, they will ‘jump’. The observer will always in some fashion manipulate the outcomes of the experiment to reflect a desired outcome – even unconsciously. Intellectualization of reality can never be conclusive because tangible, infallible experience is the ultimate reflective tool to capture and examine an expression of God (or experiential reality such as ours).

Although the basis of scientific rigor is cool, AS addresses these two issues to and brings finality to sciences because materialism is not enough. Life is not intellectual, it is experiential, so why would we think our sciences should be any different? In AS, they definitely aren’t!

Herodotus, the Greek “father of history” noted on his travels in Africa of his encounters with magicians who would transform into a leopard right in front of him, or dematerialize and rematerialize in another location a few metres away from him. The capabilities of both those feats violate the rules of modern physics, both on a classical level (the study of big objects such as a planet or body) and a quantum level (the study of subatomic particles that make up the big objects + space in general). AS however provides a semblance of the two because the experimenter “becomes” the object in observation. How so one may ask? Through Gravity. In AS, Gravity is the “individual” marker of a being (aka, it’s the “ID”). Let’s set a simple example: let’s say Blackness wants to experience having a slice of pizza. Firstly, an individual would be imbued with the inspiration of having a pizza (their ID would be “tapped” so to speak) and they’d go to the nearest pizza store and order the pizza then eat it. The beauty of Gravity from an AS context is how it blends quantum & classical physics. Using the above eating pizza example, we can assess how AS uses Gravity on the quantum level as an accelerant to the fulfilment of purpose.

Through eating the pizza, the following conditions are met: The individual has either eaten or not eaten the pizza (Copenhagen interpretation); the Spirit of Blackness, by marking the individual through their gravitational signature, is consciously observing the individual eating pizza (Von Neumann-Wigner interpretation); through the life-path development stemming from AS’ infinitesimal calculus interpretation, the universal branching is encompassed in many life paths that are taken in the moment of eating the pizza (Many-World’s interpretation); with everything having its own distinctive signature defined in AS as Gravity, the different “entities” involved in the experience (the individual, servant, pizza dough, cheese, tomatoes etc) each observe each other through the series of moments carried out in the experience (Relational interpretation); since Blackness does not contain wave patterns, it is indistinguishably non-local (it’s Omniversal aka its Oneness), the experiment is in fact a future past event, meaning it’s was intentioned at the commencement of the Universe and acted out later on (Transactional interpretation); and, the Spirit of Blackness is observing the potential and non-potential of the experience simultaneously. From a classical physics perspective, the experience (both the manifested potential and “unmanifested” non-potentials) all optic, acoustic, electromagnetic and mechanical conditions are met by virtue of momentum. AS eliminates Schrodinger’s Cat experiment as well as Classical physics vs Quantum because Experience is infallible. AS stipulates our being already encompasses all the complexities, theories and equations – our focus is manifesting them in communion with God. By becoming the experiment, we observe how our intentions are actually a signature from Blackness, and we fulfil the two conditions observed as the meaning of Life in AS: 1) God experiences the fullness of its infinity; and 2) We as individual manifestations of Blackness experience the grace of God in every moment.

The above is the reason the Dogon people juxtapose universal creation to a spider knitting a web, the reason our Ancestors compare a Universe to an Atom, the reason our 12 Multiversal Gods responsible for creation represent the 12 fundamental sub-atomic quarks, the reason the Pokot, Dogon, Kemetyu and Basotho all pointed to the Sirius star system before telescopes, the reason we have multi-dimensional intercessions with Ancestors and the reason the Mauri drew the Milky Way’s cloud structure (erroneously labelled as their Sky God) eons before a satellite images existed… amongst other things.

Experiential science is always more revered because of its infallibility and communion with the Divine. In AS One does not conjecture, they know conclusively and absolutely. Life is meant to be lived, not assumed. While intellectual exercises provide us with an ability to design spacecraft, experiential science emboldens us to become one with space itself. Why attempt to peer into the mind of God’s to gain understanding when you can be God? Bliss from sensation is the high science of Blackness – it provides infallibility and joy; it ensures Oneness between Self and Divinity. Theorizing is great, but remember, God deals in Theorems.

It’s not magic, its science of the highest order. Next week we’ll conclude with how mathematics & science is encoded in our being through culture... aka, Ntu!


This week's affirmation: I live a divine life by letting God flow through me! 

This week's vibe: 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtBu7vGsGv8 | https://music.apple.com/gb/song/likufanele/1326273879 | https://open.spotify.com/track/4V8biP3PEaVxs8avkKQv43 - Likufanele by Zero 7

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdCCLxS1uK8 | https://open.spotify.com/album/7t4kz9osJ5V4AL3M69Ozg8 | https://music.apple.com/us/song/cant-keep-checking-my-phone/962057749 - Can't Keep Checking My Phone by Unknown Mortal Orchestra

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