21 Aug

In Pt.1, we spoke about Blackness as being the emanation point of life as well as being the Zero existing in all things. In this Pt.2, we’ll discuss the why this matters as we oscillate to 1!


Imagine a theme park incredible enough to capture the imagination of God? Imagine the size of the rides, the type of entertainment expected and the thrills needed to shock the Omnipotent? In African Spiritual Sciences ("AS"), that is exactly what a Universe represents – it is the culmination of Ancestral mind-power fashioned for the sole purpose of ‘God’ (aka Omniversal Blackness in an AS context) experiencing itself. A Universe is a physical, experiential plane of existence for Blackness to play as multiple lifeforms. From entire galactic clusters to the tiniest sub-atomic orbs; the cleanliest boutique-going Chihuahua to the filthiest Rodent – you can find ‘God’, or Blackness, in all of it. The Universe, according to the wisdoms of our Ancestors, did not come into existence by a random event such as the Big Bang theory supposes. Rather, it was birthed (yes, like pushing out a baby birth) into existence from a previous Universe in order to fulfil a new purpose. An overview without the mechanics is this: Essentially, when a new Universe is to be created, ‘God’ intentions what purpose & experience they want to fulfil in the new Universe – following which, all potential and non-potential is then mapped out (aka what will happen and all the other potentials that will never happen. We'll return to this in a sec). 

Once the purpose for the new Universe is intentioned, the soon-to-be previous Universe collapses in on itself – it experiences the amalgamation (or concentration) of everything contained in that Universe into a single moment, ensuring the entire Universe is in a state of indistinguishable Oneness. From this Oneness the new Universe ‘God’ has intentioned is then “pushed out” from the now-previous Universe which then becomes the foundational atom for the new Universe. Yes, that is right! According to AS a whole Universe becomes a foundational atom – remember this whenever you ask why atom-splitting always results in even smaller atoms EVERY SINGLE TIME! Then ask yourself, how long has this been going on for and how many Universes could there possibly be?

The new Universe, upon being ‘pushed out’ is now ready to manifest the purpose that ‘God’ has intentioned for it. Everything that will ever exist in the new Universe will play a role of fulfilling its own purpose, and only once everything has fulfilled its respective purpose can we then say that the new Universe would have fulfilled the purpose ‘God’ originally  intentioned for it. In AS this forms the basis for life because everything from entire planets to humans to caterpillars to asteroids and even inanimate objects has a purpose. The Universe will remain incomplete until every purpose is fulfilled. It is from this departure in AS that we will examine Destiny, and how we get to the fulfilment of Destiny as a matter of mathematical inquiry!


Before an individual comes to Earth (or any planet / environment for that matter), they must first, with the assistance of their Ancestors & Guides, design their life path. The design process includes what is their name, purpose, character, development points, likes + dislikes, addictions + vices, potential partners and soulmate, dreams + aspirations etc etc… down to what clothes they like and what fruits they enjoy. The design process essentially creates the equation by which your life will unfold to ultimately lead you the fulfilment of your Destiny (fulfilment of purpose). This, however, is where things go AWOL…

Ever felt like you’re not living in alignment to your purpose??? Listen to your gut, because you’re not. The thing with life or our current reality is that it gives way for anything to happen. Wore pants instead of shorts & now you’re feeling overly-frustrated cause your legs are sweating? Yep, your life path probably intended for you to wear shorts, but you chose otherwise. Drove left instead of right and now you’re stuck in traffic – yep, you chose one option when your life path had another set for you! It’s insane but the minutiae’s decisions can throw you off. These seemingly insignificant diversions from your original path may have great consequences further down the road because the more you diverge from your original intended path, the more you dim the light on your intuition + Ancestors & guides, and the more you open yourself to a life totally 'unintended' for you in the wilderness.

That’s not to say that a life in the wilderness is bad for you or anything, I mean technically its already been accounted for in the bigger scheme of things. In AS, 1 is the base expression of God in Form because it represents total singularity of Blackness beyond Zero (which is Blackness as an Objective Reality beyond Form). Only right then, because the microcosm represents the macrocosm in AS, that the supreme expression of the Multiverse, a Universe or even a person is 1 (remember, humans are mini universes as universes are macro humans). Now, with 1 being the ultimate expression of life and fulfilment of purpose, it is only right that as human, when we plan our lives before coming to Earth, we design a “highest path” that equates to 1. In common terms, that means if your life unfolds perfectly as it was designed and you fulfil your purpose in the EXACT way you determined before coming to Earth, the mathematical equivalent would be living a life purely as 1, or “at one with yourself”. But as we know, very rarely is that ever the case – what if you veer off by .6? Then you live a life .4 in relation to your path. Veering off by .2? Then you’re within .8 of your life. Veered off by .9? Then you’re within .1 of your intended path. Okay, but what if I am .7891840917471691 off?? As beings, we are bombarded with so many different choices every day that it’s impossible to simply confound our variance to any intended by path by a single measure. Something as small as drinking from a fountain instead of a water bottle can veer you off in a big way. The variances are so many and so complex that its nigh-infinite. Therein we assume the calculative method to measure our degrees in variance – through infinitesimal calculus.


A principle in AS is that a formula, or equation, is a symbol from “God” designed to communicate a message about reality and how it is shaped. In moving from Zero (Blackness) to One (Fulfilment of Purpose ordained by Blackness) we have an infinite array of possibilities we will encounter. The graphic below perfectly encapsulates the statement.

Whilst an appropriate path was designed by you, an individual has the free-will to choose other paths. In AS, this would mathematically be represented 1 – 0.4 = 0.6; further written out as 0.6 + 0.4 = 1 (as an example). However, because there will be other splinters along the way, that 0.4 may compound to 0.43 (thus written out as 0.43 + 0.57 = 1). This means, of all the possible paths the individual could’ve taken, they are on path 0.43 and would need a momentum swing of 0.57 to get back in alignment to their pre-destined path of 1. As one can fathom, there is an INFINITE ARRAY of paths we can take and every instance can bring us closer or take us further from our 1. Let’s say I decided to wear a red tie instead of a blue tie and unbeknownst to me later that day I meet a businessman who compliments my red tie, leading to a life-changing business deal & breakthrough. Wearing the blue tie may have eventuated in a path TOTALLY different to the one explained above and that’s why AS pines on developing intuitive listening, because it’s there to always lead you 1, or the highest version of purpose fulfilment.

This is where the infinitesimal aspects come in – there are an infinite array of paths we can take. Each incision of free will, as minutiae as can be, may have significant impact on the next step on your path. Whereas modern maths view infinitesimal differences as arbitrary, AS views them as SUPREMELY SIGNIFICANT because the choice made at path 0.4589727489729749728592…6 can greatly accelerate your life to fulfilment of purpose, or 1 (aka “God”). In AS nothing is arbitrary – the infinitesimal aspects of mathematics determine our momentum in life and proximity to fulfilment of 'God' in our life. The infinite oscillations between Zero (a being encapsulated by the Spirit of Blackness) and One (the being expressing fulfilment of God’s purpose) provides us, in AS context, with a full scope of mathematics because all potentials and non-potentials of reality exist in within framework. This becomes the basis for binary-systems and their culture-wide applications throughout ancient African societies from the Ashante (Andrinka symbols) to the Basotho (Pe-Di cosmological math) as a tool for mathematical interpretation and universal communication. The infinity contained in Zero-to-One, as well as our state from God-being (Zero) to God-fulfilment (One) are mirrored on a micro (human) and macro (Multiverse) level. Oneness, and the expression of Zero within Oneness, is thus sustainably & continuously fulfilled through eternity.

According to AS, our mathematics is really quite malleable. Whilst the math behind universal forces such as electromagnetism & gravity is more “fixed”, it’s really governed by consciousness. If you’ve mastered time-travel or bending spacetime for quantum acceleration by having an understanding of Zero Point energy (in AS’s instance, that would be Blackness), then your math would naturally elevate to accommodate a consciousness beyond thinking about universal relativity at our current level. This brings us to the end of Math & the Universe as a theme park… and brings us into a whole new domain. We’ve harped about Blackness as Zero and the fulfilment of purpose, now it’s time to investigate HOW AND WHY we fulfil purpose, and there’s one term for that – Experience as Science. ‘Til then, Peace God!

This week's affirmation: I am One with God and my highest expression of Self!

This week's vibe: 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAvyYZ0h1yQ&t=2513s - A Deep House mix by Judy Jay

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwdN6p6QVlI / https://music.apple.com/ug/song/umbovukazi-mixed/1666394992 - Umbovukazi by Da Capo

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLbhwx86X6Q / https://open.spotify.com/track/317wRlemdBP19purjbBxXJ - Dikeledi by Thandi Ntuli

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