24 Jul

Mathematics…. The basis for all existence. Modern scientists acclaim it as the “language of the Universe / God”; others claim mathematics is the codex for all reality. Cosmic phenomena, financial instruments, humane affairs and alternate realities all bend their knee to the mighty “1+1”. But, what if the mathematics we are taught is wrong – or rather, there exist other branches of mathematics beyond our consciousness & perception? What if, by some odd chance our current perception of reality is densely limited? Well then, reality would be more malleable than fixed wouldn't it? Furthermore, the reality circumscribed by our understanding would not be the sole reality existing innit? Today on the Other Side with Sihle Sibeko, we begin our four-part series investigating Mathematics, Science & Ntu, and what our Ancient Ancestors say awaits us beyond our current reality!


Recently, acclaimed actor Terence Howard went to Oxford University and presented his theory on why the current rationale behind modern mathematics is wrong. His claim was that 1 multiplied by 0 cannot be 0 because the distinguishable 1 has properties and therefore cannot be extinguished even when multiplied by nothing, or 0. As one can expect, Professors, Mathematicians and Engineers ridiculed his claims and labelled him dunce of the decade for not following the basics of Group Theory. While easy to lambast his claims (and I for one do not intend to defend him or claim that modern mathematics is wrong), Mr.Howard claims are not definitively off. See, we create theories to the limit of our imagination, and where the implication is off-putting, we use a deductive method to try “solve” the theory and ensure generality. Mr. Howards claims, however bright or obtuse, are more observable under the scope of AS.

Where Mr. Howard failed to convey his message is in understanding 0. By conventional terms, 0 is mere nothing – there is no property to it and it only serves in instances of addition and subtraction, not multiplication and division. But why? Because modern math says so. The question then arises – is that a valid enough reason? In AS, 0 represents the Omniversal Blackness that circumscribes the Multiverse and all potential + non-potential. Zero is far more than just nothing, it is nothing and everything simultaneously in an Infinite, Omniversal Blackness without distinction. But how can Zero be Infinite? Because it's 0. A circle is a sacred shape in AS because in it is encased the endless nature of Life. There is no angle to break the infinitude of Zero– it just keeps going on & on in circles. Infinity meets Zero in AS because the existential angst of beginning & end ceases. All that ever is, was, shall be and never been, is or shall be are comingled in a blanket of Blackness that is without distinction. This is to say Blackness exists without time and space... or, without beginning and end. Blackness forever was and forever will be.

AS determines that as beings we are an Expressions of this Blackness, inseparable from it and distinguishable only by our individuality. Thus, Zero (Blackness), exists in us, in everything around us and beyond us simultaneously. AS defines attainment / understanding of Blackness as a phenomenon that may only be felt or experienced – it cannot be described in any way or form because the feeling / experience is beyond definition (without distinction, like Blackness itself). To make it rudimentary, the Zero Mr. Howard is referring to is, in AS terms, the indescribable feeling / resonance / Spirit of Omniversal Blackness. This 0 (or Omniversal Blackness), is then transferred into consciousness and custom (Ntu), that allow us to live in harmony with ourselves, others and the environment (aka the Subjects of Blackness aka the Multiverse).

Thus, 1x0, as Mr. Howard alluded to, can under the investigation of AS, can equal 1 because the Omniversal Blackness (the Object we are all an expression of) is the background for Ntu (the Subjective expression of Omniversal Blackness). If the Spirit of Blackness is 0, then 1, an expression of 0, is: 1) not be extinguishable, thus does exist; because 2) Zero can be multiplied as exhibited in how Blackness mushroomed into multiple forms of existence. Contrary to modern mathematics, in AS Zero does multiply because Zero is essentially Blackness multiplying itself outward in the creation process that has now manifested a nigh-infinite multitude of life-forms ranging from stars to planets to humans to micro-organisms and more! This is the basis of Adrinka Symbols belonging to the Ashante Kingdom from West Africa. 


The Adrinka Symbols are a codified language system blending mathematics & spoken word. In Adrinka Symbolism, a number is displayed without a Zero compliment. For example, 10 would be written as 1, or 12000 would be written as 12. The reason for this is because in AS Zero permeates all things by virtue of it being a representation of Omniversal Blackness; therefore, everything existing need not express Zero because Zero is already contained in the expression of the manifestation itself (hence, 12000 is just 12). The graphic below is a diagram of Adrinka numeric symbols, note how the Black dots are the centre-figure of all dimensions contained in the graphic. All colours stem from the Black dots, demonstrating how Blackness is at the root of all dimensionality and therefore contained in all things of any dimension. Even the "white" dots only exist in Black borders. In Adrinka, as with anywhere in AS, nothing exists without Blackness; simultaneously everything exists with Blackness. That is what it looks like when Point Zero is multiplied - let there be light!!!

In Modern Algebra, there exists a theory called "Group Theory" which discusses the binary expression of two or elements within a set or group through principles of identity (is the integer definable?), associativity (can the integer associate with multiplication), invertibility (is there an inverse for the integer) and closure (multiplication and division must both exist in the integer). The existing core belief of Group Theory is that Zero cannot be multiplied. AS would confer that Zero is at the very root of multiplication because Zero (the Spirit of Blackness) has "multiplied" itself into Existence as we know it & beyond. AS satisfies Group Theory in that Zero has identity (Spirit of Blackness), associativity (the Spirit of Blackness is multiplied through Existence) invertibility (Life / Existence is inverse to the Spirit of Blackness. Furthermore Zero aka Blackness contains both Nothing and Everything, an inverse within itself), and closure (Blackness is the root of everything, thus everything is a manifestation of its highest expression. How much more closure do you want?). This is the crucial slip that befell Mr.Howard (sorry mayne)!


This brings us to how Math is viewed in AS. Quite simply, it’s viewed in the same way. Only difference is that EVERYTHING is a mathematical equation – including our thoughts, feelings, social engagements and more. Since Blackness in itself is Zero at the core of AS’s mathematical foundation, everything existing is an expression of mathematical enquiry because everything existing is a manifestation of Blackness. Therefore, AS, as a combination of consciousness & customs anchored in Blackness (aka Ntu), is the most sophisticated real-life, real-time quantum computer constantly in motion and calculation. In calculation of what exactly? Destiny… and the steps we take to get there! Get ready for some Infinitesimal Calculus next...


End 1/4

This week's affirmation: The Spirit of Blackness is imbued in me!

This week's vibe:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lf5kxzyOBRc / https://open.spotify.com/album/2ibsoJps6tosNlFJtFlBDN / https://music.apple.com/ca/song/piano-joint-this-kind-of-love/1474357945 - Piano Joint by Michael Kiwanuka |

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgAnLPLdIik / https://open.spotify.com/track/4vbS3On3pJNTco89Vowplx / https://music.apple.com/us/album/we-walk-in-the-gardens-of-our-ancestors/1677361065?i=1677361700 - We Walk In The Garden Of Our Ancestors by Phi Psonics

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