27 Mar

I’ll keep this intro short and sweet. African Spiritual Sciences (“AS”) states that we are Creators who are endowed with the same creative force that created life. Many don’t understand because they may think “Life is like that” instead of realizing, from the AS point of view, the truth is “I create my life in this way”. Today I’m going to borrow from some philosophies to better crystallize creativity from an AS lens.  


French philosopher Rene Descartes is famed for coining the term “Cogito ergo sum” – translated to “I think, therefore I am.” His philosophy can be loosely described in the following way: 

‘Thought and senses may present false ideas that can deceive the thinker. However, in order to be deceived or experience skepticism, one must exist. Therefore, “Cogito”, or the proof of existence, is established. From this one may think clearly and transparently because their existence is irrefutably true and whatever thoughts they may experience thereafter will be true because no God, or God that exists since God’s existence is mirrored through our existence, would allow anything false to exist (or to borrow from “A Book of Miracles: “Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists”).’ 

Criticisms of Descrates philosophy is the ‘fallibility principle” and the God/agent (or Principle/agent) principle. 

For ease, we’ll apply Descartes philosophy to African Spiritual Sciences. It must be mentioned that the basis of application is not to strengthen the case for either, but only to contextualize AS & provide for rationale for its existence independent of any assimilation to any modern school of thought.


AS supposes that an Omniversal Blackness “exist beyond existence”. The reasoning for this is because Omniversal Blackness is boundless and immeasurable (it cannot be measured because there is no wavelength or frequency). This Omniversal Blackness, out of itself, fashioned life into existence, this existence is both multiversal and multidimensional, and the Omniversal Blackness remains the “immutable background” responsible for suspending existence within itself. Everything created, including us (humans) are an embodiment of the creative Omniversal Blackness. The Omniversal Blackness therefore is a boundless “Objective Reality” and everything created is a “Subject experiencing a Subjective reality within the backdrop of Objective Reality aka Omniversal Blackness”. Now, let’s use Descartes “Cogito”, and bits of Hegelian Dialect + Heideggerian Hermeuntic Phenomenology, in order to commence the Cogito method of deduction, AS style.

1. Objective Reality

Omniversal Blackness – thoughtless, boundless, immeasurable. All potential and non-potential exists simultaneously. 

2. Subject emerges from an Objective Reality

Out of itself the genesis of a Subject (a distinct frequency of consciousness in the form of duality) emerged and is suspended, thus creating a mental compliment (thought) and physical compliment (body) for the subjective reality to exist.

3. Subject existing in an Objective Reality

In order for the Subject to exist separately (but suspended in) the Objective reality, the Subject must: 1) Be conscious (think) and 2) Have measurable distinction (have physicality). In AS, the physical is of paramount significance because without the physical, existence and subsequently creation will not ensue. Below an example: as the Subject thinks, it initiates separation from the Objective reality, but a quagmire exists– since the thought has emerged out of (or originates and has genesis from) an Objective reality, it is not fully separate from the boundless Omniversal Blackness because there is no distinction, which is to say, the Subject is conscious of the Objective reality but no distinction exists for the Subject to exist in a separate and suspended form (it will exist within the Objective Reality until a form is measurable & present). In order to be suspended in, (separate) and not part of, the Objective reality, a physical separation must ensue.

The Subject thinks, and out of thought a physical form is defined. The Subject now has a physical frequency through which measureable distinction in the form of spacetime exists, and a consciousness that is fully aware & present to measure the distinction.

4. Definition of the Subject

Because only the Objective Reality of Omniversal Blackness exists, the Subject’s thought is the sum of the Objective Reality encased in that moment, and the physical is the sum Objective Reality encased in that moment. The Subject is a sovereign manifestation of Omniversal Blackness in that moment both in thought and the physical. The Subject knows it exists because it thinks and effects thought in the form of physicality. The state of the Subjects existence is Supreme, since the Subject is the mental & physical manifestation Omniversal Blackness (par excellence of Prima Materia / Boundlessness of everything and nothing). The Omniversal Blackness has just fashioned out of itself a (supreme) Subject, and the Subject exists, introducing the precedent for “I exist / I am” relative to the Subject because the Subject can recognize itself as distinct, mentally and physically, in an Objective Reality. The base for the “Subject in Subjective Reality” is now established.

5. Subject creates, and experiences, a Subjective Reality

The Subject is now suspended in an Objective reality, but is yet to experience a Subjective reality. The Subject exists (the compliment of thought and action) but is not existing. In order for the Subject to experience a Subjective reality (that is, to ensue existing) measureable motion must be present. This measureable motion introduces “therefore” as a precedent. “Therefore” allows the thing to express existence through being. Eg: “I exist, therefore I breathe”… and so the Subject breathes. “I exist, therefore I see.”… then voila, the Subject sees.

The Subject is now capable of experiencing a Subjective Reality because 1) it is imbued with the creative essence of the Omniversal Blackness, and therefore fashions out of itself a Subjective Reality; 2) The Subject Reality is fashioned out the Subjects being: the thought of what should be experienced, and the physical experience that is measurable thereafter.

6. I Exist / I am, therefore... AS A PRECEDENT

“I exist / I am” = Subject in an Objective Reality, imbued with Omniversal Blackness and Supreme; “,therefore…” = Subject intentions the Subjective Reality to be experienced; “I breathe.”… Subject experiencing the intentioned Subjective Reality.

The Subject is Supreme, and as a being is endowed with prowess to create a reality of its own intention - no reality is conferred upon it. Life doesn’t just “happen” to the Subject, the Subject makes life happen – for better or for worse. The Subject is a Creator. Meaning you and I as Subjects are Creators. The gift of creative prowess has been passed down from the First Subject (aka “The Creator” and in an AS context, our “First Ancestor”) to you and I reading this right now.

Above is the basis of the African Spiritual Sciences expressed through Descrates’ “Cogito”, although there’s a lot more to it (duality, Ancestry, Creator vs an assortment of Creators, colours as things & forces, dimensionality & universality, “Everything as a mirrored One” principle etc etc etc). AS is far too expansive and involved to be deduced (in fact, the method of learning is immersive rather than deduction). It is a Multiversal code of conduct passed down from the genesis of all things to this very moment that reminds us we have creative power, license and responsibility in the ultimate sense of its meaning.  


Well, because:

1. It’s a birth-right of the African child that has been wrestled away from them. As children of this continent, it is our codex and we must preserve + use to build a world reimagined;

2. It is solves for the “God/agent or Principle/Agent” criticism. If we are totally and wholly responsible for our lives as Creators, then we can consciously create systems, dispose of systems and repurpose systems according to standards of a higher collective conscious. Creative excellence becomes a societal duty;

3. AS is freely accessible for the benefit of all living beings since it serves as a Mutliversal code of conduct. Literally this belongs to all that exists, and can be used by all of us as creative model for a better world.

That’s it, no conclusions. You exist, and your existence is Supreme. This makes you, by default, a Creator. You’re a Creator, I’m a Creator and we’re all (co-)Creators. Now, let’s create a better world. 


This week's affirmation: I am a conscious Creator of my life experience.

This week's vibe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuxJzTrmYaM - Sphume'Gugs by Driemanskap feat Macho & Kanyi | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1cENchN7_Y - Love Czars by The SA-RA Creative Partners | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWB18fIiwlI - Umlotha by Nduduzo Makhathini

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